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Best Muscle Recovery Tools For Marathon Runners (2024)

Best Muscle Recovery Tools For Marathon Runners (2024)

Hey there, fellow runners and endurance athletes. As someone who's been in your shoes, pounding the pavement in marathons, triathlons, and even ultra marathons, I know firsthand the excitement of crossing that finish line and the challenges that come with it.

I've logged countless miles, tackled tough training sessions, and faced my fair share of recovery setbacks and injuries along the way.

Believe me when I say, I get it – finding the balance between pushing your limits and taking care of your body can be a real struggle. There were times when I found it hard to bounce back quickly after a tough session, and staying consistent with my training while managing recovery felt like a Herculean task.

But here's the thing – I've been there, done that, and found some game-changing solutions along the way. I've tried and tested most of the products that I now offer, and let me tell you, they've made a world of difference in my own training and recovery journey.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore a range of recovery tools that have been tried, tested, and proven effective by yours truly. Let's roll!

Best Muscle Recovery Tools For Marathon Runners:

Red Light Therapy Device: FlexBeam

Good for: Boosting muscle recovery and reducing inflammation after intense training sessions.

Marathon trainers, listen up – I've got a game-changer for your recovery routine. Picture this: you've just finished a long run, and your muscles are screaming for relief. But here's the problem – you're constantly on the go, with little time to spare for lengthy recovery sessions.

Enter the FlexBeam – your portable, wearable solution to post-run muscle soreness. This sleek device features the power of red light and infra-red therapy to target deep into your muscles, promoting faster recovery and reducing inflammation.

And the best part? You can take it with you wherever you go, whether you're travelling for a race or squeezing in a quick run during your lunch break.

The FlexBeam is specifically designed with marathon trainers in mind. It's lightweight, compact, and easy to use, making it the perfect companion for busy runners.

With just a few minutes of treatment each day, you can give your muscles the love they need to bounce back faster and perform at their best.

Whether you're battling post-run soreness, recovering between sessions, or aiming to boost performance, FlexBeam has you covered.

Say goodbye to downtime and hello to faster, more efficient recovery – because every second counts when you're training for a marathon.

Massage Gun: Power Plate Pulse Massage Gun

Good for: Providing deep tissue massage, releasing knots, and reducing muscle stiffness.

Massage Gun In Red

We all know that marathon training can leave your muscles feeling tight, tense, and sore. But the Power Plate Pulse Massage Gun is here to deliver targeted relief exactly where you need it most. This massage gun is the perfect tool to knead away those post-run aches and pains. 

Designed with the needs of marathon trainers in mind, this powerful yet portable massage gun uses percussive therapy. With patented Power Plate technology, the Pulse delivers rapid bursts of pressure to your muscles, stimulating blood flow and accelerating the recovery process. It breaks up knots, releases tension, and promotes faster recovery.

The massage gun comes with six vibration intensity levels. This allows you to customise your massage experience to suit your needs. Whether you want to optimise your preparation with a gentle pre-run massage or speed up your recovery with a more intense deep tissue treatment.

Another thing we like about this product is that it comes with six unique attachments. This offers versatility and precision in targeting various muscle groups. So whether it's tight hamstrings, sore calves, or fatigued quads, you can rely on this tool for targeted relief.

But here's where it gets even better – the Power Plate Pulse boasts a longer-lasting 6-hour battery life from a single charge. This ensures you have plenty of power to soothe your muscles whenever you need it. Moreover, it's the quietest among leading brands, so you can enjoy your recovery sessions without disturbing others around you.

And that's not all – weighing in at 20% lighter than its predecessor, the Pulse is easy to handle and transport, making it perfect for on-the-go recovery between training sessions.

This is one of the best massage guns you can buy. Power Plate is a big name in the space for a reason: They make good quality products. So whether you're dealing with tight hamstrings, sore calves, or aching quads, the Power Plate Pulse has got you covered. Say goodbye to post-run soreness.

Ice Bath: Chill Tubs Ice Bath

Good for: Decreasing inflammation, alleviating muscle soreness, and accelerating recovery after strenuous exercise.


Muscle soreness, fatigue, DOMS, joint pain, stiffness... sound familiar? You're not alone. Marathon trainers often deal with these challenges. Mix in work and personal commitments, and it's a perfect storm.

Great news: having an ice bath or cold plunge at home can make all the difference for marathon trainers like you. It tackles those common issues and gives your whole body the recovery it deserves. And let me tell you, when it comes to ice baths, the Chill Tub Ice Bath is the way to go.

The Chill Tub sets the bar high for premium ice baths. Crafted from high-grade Stainless Steel 304, this ice tub is tough, durable, and resistant to corrosion. This ensures it remains a reliable tool in your recovery arsenal for years to come.

With its built-in chiller and water purification system, you'll always have fresh water without irritating chemical sanitisers. And thanks to the advanced purification system, including a built-in Ozone System, it actively removes bacteria and impurities, giving you the cleanest soak possible.

When it comes to temperature, precision is key. The Chill Tub nails it with precise temperature control settings. Whether you prefer a chilly 3°C plunge or a cosy soak, it keeps the temperature steady for a consistently soothing recovery – no ice required.


Maintenance? Piece of cake with the Chill Tub. The filter lasts for 3 months, and water changes only happen every 8-12 weeks, saving you time and water. Plus, with zero assembly needed, just plug it in and relish the ultimate ice bath experience from home.

I remember training for marathons and ultra-marathons, travelling to the gym for an ice bath. Balancing training, work, and personal life, while staying recovered, was tough. Having an ice bath at home saves time, letting you relax, maybe even with your feet up watching TV.

Don't let post-run soreness and fatigue hold you back – invest in the Chill Tub Ice Bath and elevate your recovery routine to new heights. Experience ultimate recovery with the Chill Tub Ice Bath and take your training to the next level.

Infrared Sauna: Health Mate Infrared Saunas

Good for: Detoxifying the body, increasing circulation, and promoting relaxation and recovery after workouts. 

health mate enrich infrared sauna

Infrared saunas are a special type of sauna that use infrared heaters to emit infrared light, which your body absorbs. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air around you, infrared saunas directly heat your body. This results in a gentle and penetrating heat that offers various health benefits.

Marathon runners and athletes have long relied on heat exposure for recovery. Infrared saunas are particularly known for their ability to enhance muscle recovery, improve sleep quality, relieve pain, detoxify the body, boost circulation, and enhance skin health.

For marathon runners aiming for quicker recovery and improved well-being, infrared saunas are an invaluable asset.

When it comes to infrared saunas, Health Mate offers a unique blend of technology, quality, and durability that's perfectly suited for marathon runners. Health Mate uses an innovative 360 degree Tecoloy® heating system that generates infrared heat. The heart penetrates deep into muscles for effective relief from muscle soreness and fatigue.

Their saunas are made from 100% A Grade Canadian Red Wood Cedar, known for its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures.

Additionally, they are low-EMF certified, which is beneficial for your health as it minimises your exposure to potentially harmful radiation.

woman enjoying an infrared sauna session

Putting together and taking care of Health Mate saunas couldn't be easier. Their smart design makes setup simple and gives you easy access to power connections, perfect for busy marathon trainers like you. Plus, with a lifetime warranty covering every component, you can trust that your investment is in good hands.

What I like the most about Health Mate is that the company controls the entire production process. This ensures quality from timber selection to final delivery. Contrast this with most brands that outsource production and often face issues like wood cracking or heater breakdowns.

As someone training for a marathon, the last thing you need is a faulty sauna interrupting your recovery routine. With Health Mate, you can trust that your investment is solid.

So whether you're recovering from a long run or just looking to unwind after a hard day's work, Health Mate Infrared Saunas are your ticket to faster, more efficient recovery.

Massage Ball: Power Plate DualSphere

Good for: Targeting hard-to-reach areas soreness, enhancing flexibility, and improving mobility. Compact and portable.

power plate dualsphere in black

Meet your new best friend for marathon runners: the Plate DualSphere Massage Ball. Its unique design targets hard-to-reach areas like your back, feet, calves, and neck, offering relief where you need it most. Whether you're battling muscle soreness, fatigue or some stiffness, this tool has your back—literally.

Unlike traditional massage balls, the Power Plate DualSphere uses patented vibration technology to boost the effectiveness of your recovery routine.

With four vibration levels to choose from, you can customise your massage experience to suit your needs, whether you prefer a gentle massage or a deeper, more intense treatment.

Weighing less than 1kg (2lbs) and boasting a 3-hour battery life, the Power Plate DualSphere is the perfect portable recovery tool. And let's face it, with training and work filling up your schedule, you need something efficient.

The DualSphere seamlessly fits into your routine, providing the relief you crave without consuming precious time.

Vibrating Foam Roller: Power Plate Roller

Good for: Targeting deep muscle tension, promoting circulation, and speeding up recovery post-run.

Maybe you've had a foam roller in your arsenal as a marathon runner. When you roll with traditional foam rollers, you're depending on your own strength to ease tension and get your blood flowing in your muscles and fascia. They might offer a bit of relief, but often they don't dig deep enough.

But here's where the Power Plate Roller steps in. Unlike those old foam rollers, which rely only on pressure, this roller packs a punch with vibration technology. It's all about giving your muscles a better release and boosting blood flow, tackling issues like soreness and tightness head-on.

You also get to pick from four vibration levels. That means you can adjust the intensity based on how sensitive you are to soreness and vibration. It's like having a custom-made warm-up and recovery plan just for you.

This roller's designed to hit all the spots you need for marathon training—calves, hamstrings, lower back, quads—all covered. And it's lightweight, less than 1.5kgs (3lbs), so you can take it anywhere, whether you're at home or out and about.

Plus, it's got a 4-hour battery life and an easy USB charger, so you're never left hanging mid-roll. With the Power Plate Roller, stiffness takes a backseat and you're on the fast track to better performance and recovery.

Say goodbye to tight, achy muscles and hello to faster, more efficient recovery.

Integrating Recovery Tools into Marathon Training Routine

Alright, let's dive into how you can seamlessly weave these recovery tools into your marathon training routine – because let's face it, training for a marathon is no joke, and recovery is just as important as logging those miles.

Now, I know what you're thinking – adding more stuff to your already packed training schedule? Hold onto your water bottles, because it's all about working smarter, not harder, like Eliud Kipchoge did in Berlin.

First off, let's talk about timing. Incorporate these recovery tools strategically into your training plan. Use them after your long runs, intense speed sessions, or whenever you're feeling particularly beat up. Some of these tools can even be used while doing other activities or working, making it easier to fit them into your routine. But most importantly, think of it as an investment that gives your muscles the help when they need it most.

Consistency is key. Make these recovery sessions a regular part of your routine, just like your tempo runs and hill repeats. Whether it's a quick foam rolling session before bed or a post-run ice bath ritual, stick with it and reap the rewards.

But here's the real secret sauce – listen to your body. If something feels off, don't ignore it. Maybe that massage gun is aggravating a niggling injury, or the ice bath just isn't doing it for you. That's okay, take a break – there are plenty of other recovery tools out there to explore. Find what works for you and roll with it.

And last but not least, don't forget to rest. Recovery isn't just about fancy gadgets and high-tech gizmos – it's also about giving your body the time it needs to repair and rebuild. So take those rest days seriously, and don't be afraid to dial back the intensity when needed.

Integrating recovery tools into your marathon training routine is all about timing, consistency, and listening to your body. Trust me, your legs will thank you come race day.

Why You Should Add Muscle Recovery Tools To Your Marathon Training Routine

Alright, let's break it down and talk about why adding muscle recovery tools to your marathon training routine is a game-changer.

  • Training for a marathon puts a ton of stress on your muscles and joints, increasing your risk of injury. But by incorporating recovery tools like foam rollers, infrared saunas, and ice baths into your routine, you can help prevent injuries before they sideline your training.
  • Recovery isn't just about bouncing back from tough workouts. It's also about maximising your performance on race day. By using muscle recovery tools to reduce muscle soreness, improve flexibility, and enhance circulation, you'll be able to train harder and race faster.
  • In addition, recovery is also about mental well-being. Training for a marathon can be mentally taxing, and recovery tools can help alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality. A happy mind equals a happy body.
  • And last but not least, let's talk about longevity. Marathon training is a journey, not a sprint, literally. By prioritising recovery and taking care of your body along the way, you'll not only crush your current goals but also set yourself up for a lifetime of healthy runs.

Adding muscle recovery tools to your marathon training routine is all about injury prevention, performance enhancement, mental well-being, and long-term success.


As you wrap up your journey exploring the different tools for muscle recovery as a marathon trainer, remember this: your body is your greatest asset. Treat it with care, and it will carry you far.

woman smiling while running a race. She is wearing sun glasses

Whether you're easing muscle soreness with a massage gun or unwinding in an infrared sauna, consistency is key. Listen to your body's cues and adjust your routine accordingly.

Recovery isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for peak performance.

So, embrace these tools, integrate them into your training regimen, and watch as your body thanks you with improved performance and health.

FAQ: Best Muscle Recovery for Marathon Runners

How often should I use muscle recovery tools during marathon training?

It's best to listen to your body and incorporate recovery tools as needed. Many marathon trainers find benefit in using them after long runs or intense training sessions, while others may use them daily for maintenance.

Can I use multiple muscle recovery tools in one session?

Absolutely! Combining different tools like foam rollers, massage guns, and infrared saunas can provide a comprehensive recovery experience. Just be sure not to overdo it, and listen to your body's cues.

Are there any risks associated with using muscle recovery tools?

While muscle recovery tools are generally safe when used correctly, it's essential to follow instructions and avoid overexertion. Using too much pressure or spending too long in an infrared sauna, for example, can lead to muscle strain or dehydration.

Can muscle recovery tools help with injury rehabilitation?

Yes, muscle recovery tools can be beneficial for injury rehabilitation by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and aiding in tissue repair. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and treatment.

How do I know which muscle recovery tools are right for me?

Consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing muscle recovery tools. Factors such as budget, space, and desired recovery benefits can help narrow down your options. Additionally, reading reviews and seeking recommendations from experienced runners can be helpful.

Can muscle recovery tools replace rest days in my training schedule?

While muscle recovery tools can enhance recovery between workouts, they should not replace rest days entirely. Rest days are essential for allowing your body to fully recover and adapt to the demands of marathon training. Use muscle recovery tools to supplement rest days, not replace them.


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